Top 8 Best Places to Visit in June

8 Niagara Falls Niagara Falls can feel chilly outside of summer, making June – when daytime temperatures sit

7 Machu Picchu Clear skies and comfortable daytime temperatures in the 60s make June a great time to visit

6 Adirondacks While often favored for its fall foliage, the Adirondacks region of New York also thrives in summer.

5 Gatlinburg June is the beginning of Gatlinburg's high season, so visiting at this time might mean rubbing

4 Prince Edward Island\ Prince Edward Island may be Canada's smallest province, but it is big on relaxation.

3 Portland, ME Maine's most populated city sees lower amounts of rainfall and some of its highes

2 Paris Paris' stunning architectural landscape is best experienced bathed in sun

1 Glacier National Park If you don't mind not being able to access certain parts of this Montana park

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