8 Places to visit in Bhutan

1 Buddha Dordenma, Thimphu If you are a photographer looking for exceptional artwork and perfect framing in Bhutan, Buddha Dordenma is your ultimate destination. It is a giant golden statue of Shakyamuni Buddha built to commemorate

2 Taktsang Palphug Monastery This is the monastery whose images rule the Instagram feed. You must have found its photos on your Instagram feed as it is one of the most prominent places to visit in Bhutan.

3 The Tashichho Dzong The Tashichho Dzong (Thimphu Dzong), Thimphu is a Buddhist monastery and fortress that stands on the northern edge of the city, near the western banks of Wang Chu

4 Chele La, Paro If you have a passion for high-altitude mountain passes, Chele La will definitely flatter your senses. And if you are interested in witnessing a fine example of the aesthetics of nature, then Chele

5 Punakha Dzong, Punakha Punakha Dzong literally translates as "the palace of great happiness or bliss" and a visit to this dzong will make you realize the relevance of its name. It is very popular among tourists for its impressive architecture.

6 Rinpung Dzong, Paro If you want to witness the world-class architecture of Bhutan, Rinpung Dzong is the place to be. The name of this dzong translates as "Strength over a heap of jewels." The Dzong houses 14 shrines and a chapel

7 Punakha Suspension Bridge, Punakha Punakha is an ancient city located 3 hours drive from the current capital of Bhutan, Thimphu. It served as the capital of Bhutan before Thimphu. Apart from the very popular Punakha Dzong

8 National Museum, Paro There is no better way to learn about the culture and history of a place than by visiting its best museum. The National Museum of Bhutan is located above Paro Dzong in the Paro district.

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